Welcome! I’m Joules, I love to paddleboard and live in Hampshire, UK. Most people who know me will tell you that there is nothing I love more than being by the sea, on the sea or in the sea. Growing up I spent every holiday in North Brittany, right on the coast, so was always sailing, wind surfing or at the beach. Paddleboarding came to me pretty naturally, I’m probably more of a liability on land than on water!
Roo is a rescue from Romania, we got her the day before Lockdown 1.0, in March 2020. She was absolutely terrified of everything, but with a little help from swimming lessons and lots of attention, she’s growing into a lot more confident dog. She’s an expert SUP pup, happy to board hop so everyone can get their photo. If there are other dogs around though, she will make sure they know she’s there, serenading them with her howls.
2020 was a hard year for everyone, but I was lucky enough to meet lots of new friends so started my SUP group – SUP the Wild. We needed a place where ladies could find paddle pals and there be organised meet ups, so I made one.